
In order to work, P4-Utils needs different programs coming from different sources as prerequisites. Since the installation process can be long and cumbersome, we provide different methods to make the deployment easier for the users:


Running P4-Utils in a completely separated environment can be beneficial: in this way, installation and execution errors, that may arise, will not affect the whole system. For this reason, we recommend using a virtual machine.

Virtual Machine

P4-Utils can run in a virtual machine to keep its environment separated from the rest of the system. Moreover, since P4-Utils is only available on Linux, other OS users can run it in a linux VM. We provide two different solutions for the P4-Utils VM and both are supported by a wide range of operating systems:

You can choose to download and use one of our preconfigured VMs or to build it by yourself.


Whether you are building your own VM or you are using the preconfigured images, you still need to install one of the above virtualizer according to your VM choice.

Build your own VM

To get started, you need to install the required software:


Packer is a handy framework designed to automatically build custom VM images.

Clone the P4-Utils repository:

git clone

Go to the Packer configurations folder:

cd p4-utils/vm

If you want to build the VirtualBox VM, execute:

./ [--cpus 4] [--disk_size 25000] [--memory 4000] [--vm_name p4] [--username p4] [--password p4]

On the other hand, if you prefer the QEMU VM, run:

./ [--cpus 4] [--disk_size 25000] [--memory 4000] [--vm_name p4] [--username p4] [--password p4]


The default VMs configuration parameters are shown above. If you do not specify anything, they will be used to build your VM. However, please pass to the scripts the parameters that best fit your needs. In particular, we have that:

  • --cpus specifies the number of cores to use,
  • --disk_size is the size of the disk reserved by the VM in MBytes,
  • --memory is the amount of RAM to assign to the VM in MBytes,
  • --vm_name is the name of the VM,
  • --username is the login username,
  • --password is the login password.

The building process will generate the following files:

  • If you chose the QEMU VM, in p4-utils/vm/output-ubuntu18044_qemu you will find a .qcow2 file to use to set up your VM.
  • If you chose the VirtualBox VM, in p4-utils/vm/output-ubuntu18044_vb you will find an .ova file to import in the VirtualBox VM manager.

Use our preconfigured VM

To download our preconfiugred VMs, please click on the folllwing links:


VM credentials: username: p4 password: p4

Manual Installation

If you have already installed all the requirements, you can simply install P4-Utils using the following commands:

git clone
cd p4-utils
sudo ./

You can also uninstall it by running the command:

sudo ./


P4-Utils depends on the following programs in the given order:

  1. PI LIBRARY REPOSITORY provides an implementation framework for a P4Runtime server. It is required only for topologies with P4Runtime switches.
  2. BEHAVIORAL MODEL (bmv2) contains the software implementation several variations of the behavioral model (e.g. simple_switch and simple_switch_grpc).
  3. p4c is a reference compiler for the P4 programming language that supports both P4_14 and P4_16.
  4. Mininet allows to create a realistic virtual network, running real kernel, switch and application code, on a single machine (VM, cloud or native).
  5. FRRouting is a free and open source Internet routing protocol suite for Linux and Unix platforms. It implements BGP, OSPF, RIP, IS-IS, PIM, LDP, BFD, Babel, PBR, OpenFabric and VRRP, with alpha support for EIGRP and NHRP. Router nodes in P4-Utils are based on FRRouting. It is required only for topologies with routers.

The manual installation process is quite long and cumbersome because of the dependencies that are needed by P4-Utils. For this reason, we provide a Bash script that automatically goes through every step.


The script has been tested with Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 and the compiler GCC 9.4.


With the following installation methods, you will download and install Mininet and the P4-Tools suite (P4-Utils, P4-Learning and their dependencies) in your user’s home directory.

One-Step Automated Install

To get started quickly and conveniently, you may want to install the P4-Tools suite using the following command:

curl -sSL | bash

Alternative Installation Method

The main drawback of piping to bash is that you cannot review the code that is going to run on your system. Therefore, we provide this alternative methods that allows you to inspect the intallation script:

wget -O