
In the following sections, we present a simple overview of the basic features of P4-Utils. In case you are looking for more advanced options, please have a look at the advanced usage section.

To make the explaination simpler and more concrete, we consider the following network example. We will go through the configuration files that allow the user to define and use such a topology.


As we can see in the figure above, we have four hosts connected to a switch. All the switches are placed in the same subnetwork We have to create the network and establish connectivity among the hosts via L2 forwarding.


For more examples and use cases, we recommend to check out the repository P4-Learning. It is a collections of working examples and exercises that are very helpful to start programming with P4.

Network Setup

To create a network we can use two different methods:

  • the Python method relies on writing a network defining script that makes use of NetworkAPI,
  • the JSON method, on the other hand, relies on writing a JSON network definition file using the specifications of the parser AppRunner.


The Python method is a newly introduced feature that allows to programmatically specify which elements are present in the network and how they are connected. It is based on the NetworkAPI, an API that has a lot of methods to precisely define the network structure.

Let us create a file called In order to define the network, we first need to import the required module and create a NetworkAPI object:

from p4utils.mininetlib.network_API import NetworkAPI

net = NetworkAPI()

We can also set the level of details for the log shown during the execution of the script:


Other important options are those involving ARP tables of hosts. One can choose to disable static ARP entries for hosts within the same subnetwork and their gateways by using the methods disableArpTables() and disableGwArp(). These options do not apply to our simple example.


By default, the ARP tables of the hosts of the network are populated in a static way at network starting time. In this way, ARP requests have not to be taken into account when operating the network.

Possible logLevel values are the follwing (in decreasing order of detail):

  • debug
  • info
  • output
  • warning
  • error
  • critical

Now we are ready to define our topology. We start by adding the nodes:


As one may notice, we added P4 switch called s1 and four hosts named h1, h2, h3, h4.


When adding nodes, make sure that they all have unique names.

For what concerns the P4 switch, we need to configure it with a P4 program. Let us assume that we have a P4 program called l2_forwarding.p4 in the same folder of the Python script. We use the following line to add it to s1:


This file will be compiled and then passed to the switch.

Now we are ready to set up the links:

net.addLink('s1', 'h1')
net.addLink('s1', 'h2')
net.addLink('s1', 'h3')
net.addLink('s1', 'h4')


Links must be added after the nodes because, when the method addLink() is called, the program checks if the connected nodes actually exist in the network.

It may be useful to specify also the port numbers of the nodes that are connected through a link. This makes the switch configuration easier because port numbers are given.

net.setIntfPort('s1', 'h1', 1)  # Set the number of the port on s1 facing h1
net.setIntfPort('h1', 's1', 0)  # Set the number of the port on h1 facing s1
net.setIntfPort('s1', 'h2', 2)  # Set the number of the port on s1 facing h2
net.setIntfPort('h2', 's1', 0)  # Set the number of the port on h2 facing s1
net.setIntfPort('s1', 'h3', 3)  # Set the number of the port on s1 facing h3
net.setIntfPort('h3', 's1', 0)  # Set the number of the port on h3 facing s1
net.setIntfPort('s1', 'h4', 4)  # Set the number of the port on s1 facing h4
net.setIntfPort('h4', 's1', 0)  # Set the number of the port on h4 facing s1


In case you do not specify port numbers, an automatic assignment will be performed. The automatic assignment is consistent among different executions of the network script.

If we want to limit the bandwidth of the link between s1 and h1 to 5 Mbps, we can use the following method:

net.setBw('s1','h1', 5)

If we want to set 5 Mbps as the maximum bandwidth for all the links at once, we can use:


Now that we have defined the topology, we need to assign IPs and MACs to the nodes. We have three ways of doing this:

  • If nothing is specified, all the nodes are placed in the network and the MACs are random.

  • One can also manually specify MACs and IPs for every interface in the network by using the following methods:

    • setIntfIp() sets the IP address of the interface:

      net.setIntfIp('h1','s1','') # The interface of h1 facing s1 has IP
    • setIntfMac() sets the MAC address of the interface:

      net.setIntfIp('h1','s1','00:00:00:00:00:01') # The interface of h1 facing s1 has MAC 00:00:00:00:00:01
  • We can use predefined automated assignment strategies.

    • l2 strategy can be selected by specifying:

    • mixed strategy can be selected by specifying:

    • l3 strategy can be selected by specifying:


    In our case, since the hosts are in the same network, we can use the l2 strategy.

Now, we can set up nodes generic options. For example, we can enable .pcap files dumping on disk and logging for all the P4 switches:



One can also specify only some switches using the methods enablePcapDump() and enableLog().

Finally, we can enable the network client and start the network:


To execute the network, we can simply run our Python script with super user rights:

sudo python3


This guide is just a basic overview of the most useful network configuration options. Please check out the documentation of NetworkAPI to learn more advanced techniques involving also routers.


The JSON method is the legacy method for defining a network topology. It is based on the AppRunner, a parser that reads the JSON files and creates a network accordingly. Let us take a look at the JSON file that defines the example network:

  "p4_src": "l2_forwarding.p4",
  "cli": true,
  "pcap_dump": true,
  "enable_log": true,
  "topology": {
    "assignment_strategy": "l2",
    "default": {
      "bw": 10
    "links": [["h1", "s1"], ["h2", "s1"], ["h3", "s1"], ["h4", "s1"]],
    "hosts": {
      "h1": {
      "h2": {
      "h3": {
      "h4": {
    "switches": {
      "s1": {

The JSON structure is very simple and intuitive. We have that:

  • The field p4_src indicates the default P4 program that has to be passed to the switches. In the example, we assume that we have a P4 file called l2_forwarding.p4 in the same folder of the JSON file.

  • The field cli specifies whether we want to activate the network client after the network starts.

  • The field pcap_dump indicates whether we want to activate the packet sniffing on the interfaces of the switches or not. The sniffed packets are then saved in .pcap files.

  • The field enable_log enables or disables the log for switches.

  • The topology field gathers some topology specific instructions:

    • assignment_strategy allows the user to specify an automated strategy for assigning addresses to the interfaces. Possible values are l2, mixed and l3.

    • default is a collection of default settings that apply to every link. For instance, in the JSON example, we force the bandwidth of every link to be 10 Mbps. Every parameter passed to the constructor of can be specified here to set it as default for all the links.

      In addition, two more options can be put here to disable ARP static entries in hosts (which are enabled by default):

      "auto_arp_tables": false,
      "auto_gw_arp": false
    • links is simply a list of all the links that are present in the topology. You can also specify custom options for a link. Every parameter passed to the constructor of can be used as option here, by putting it in a dictionary after the name of the connected nodes.

      For example, the following will set the addresses of the link and limit its bandwidth to 5 Mbps (as opposite to the default value of 10 Mbps):

      ["h1", "s1", {"bw": 5, "addr1": "00:00:00:00:00:01", "addr2": "00:01:00:00:00:01", "params1": {"ip":""}}]

      Parameters containing 1 refer to the interface of the first node (i.e. h1), whereas those containing 2 refer to the interface on the second node (i.e. s1). Parameters that do not contain numbers apply to the whole link (i.e. to both interfaces).

    • hosts is a dictionary of hosts. Each host has its own dictionary to pass options. If no custom options are passed, then the host dictionary must be left empty.

      For example, the following will set as the default gateway for h1:

      "h1": {"defaultRoute": "via"}
    • switches is a dictionary of switches. Each switch has its own dictionary to pass options. If no custom options are passed, then the switch dictionary must be left empty.

      For example, the following will set a custom P4 program for switch s1:

      "s1": {"p4_src": "custom.p4"}

To run the network, we simply execute the following command with super user rights:

sudo p4run --config <path to the JSON configuration file>

In case the JSON configuration file is called p4app.json, we can run the network with:

sudo p4run


This explaination is only a brief overview of the most common options available with the JSON network configuration file. Please check out the documentation of the module p4run to discover more advanced techniques involving also routers.

Automated Assignment Strategies

Specifying the addresses of every interface in the network can be long and cumbersome. For this reason, one can exploit automated assignment strategies that follow simple rules and are very useful in most cases.


All of the following strategies assume that:

  • Each host is connected to exactly one switch.
  • Only switches and hosts are allowed.
  • Parallel links are not allowed.


The l2 strategy places all the devices inside the same IPv4 network ( It is implemented by l2().

If you use the namings h<ID> for hosts and s<ID> for switches (e.g h1, h2, s1, s2…), the IP assignment will go as follows:

  • Host IPs: 10.0.x.y/16, where x and y are respectively the upper and the lower bytes of the host ID (i.e. its binary representation).


The mixed strategy places the hosts connected to the same switch in the same subnetwork and different switches (even those linked together) in different ones. It is implemented by mixed().

If you use the namings h<ID> for hosts and s<ID> for switches (e.g h1, h2, s1, s2…), the IP assignment will go as follows:

  • Host IPs: 10.x.y.z/24, where x and y are respectively the upper and the lower bytes of the gateway switch ID (i.e. its binary representation) and z is the host ID.
  • Switch ports directly connected to a host: 10.x.y.254/24, where x and y are respectively the upper and the lower bytes of the gateway switch ID (i.e. its binary representation).
  • Switch to Switch interfaces: 20.sw1.sw2.< 1,2>/24, where sw1 is the ID of the first switch (following the order in the link definition), sw2 is the ID of the second switch. The last byte is 1 for sw1’s interface and 2 for sw2’s interface.


The l3 strategy places each host in a different subnetwork that is shared with the IP address of the switch port it is connected to. It is implemented by l3().

If you use the namings h<ID> for hosts and s<ID> for switches (e.g h1, h2, s1, s2…), the IP assignment will go as follows:

  • Host IPs: 10.x.y.2/24, where x is the ID of the gateway switch, and y is the host ID.
  • Switch ports directly connected to a host: 10.x.y.1/24, where x is the ID of the gateway switch, and y is the host ID.
  • Switch to Switch interfaces: 20.sw1.sw2.<1,2>/24, where sw1 is the ID of the first switch (following the order in the link definition), sw2 is the ID of the second switch. The last byte is 1 for sw1’s interface and 2 for sw2’s interface.

Network Client

The network client is implemented by p4utils.mininetlib.cli.P4CLI. You can check out the available commands in the documentation. If enabled, it starts right after the network.

For example, if you want to rapidly check the connectivity among all the hosts, you can use the following command:

mininet> pingall

You can always get a summary of the commands by doing as follows:

mininet> ?

Control Plane Configuration

Once that we have a working topology with configured P4 switches, we need to populate the data plane with forwarding information in order to establish connectity. This can be done programmatically with a Python script or in a static way with the Thrift client. The first method will be covered in the advanced usage section, whereas the second is explained below.

Thrift Client

To start the Thrift client and connect to s1, we need to know the IP and the port of its Thrift server. In our case, the IP is and the port is 9090.


The Thrift port number can be explicitly assigned in the network configuration. If it is not specified for any P4 switch in the network, then the alphabetic order is used for the assignment and the first P4 switch will get 9090.

After the network starts, we can execute the following command:

simple_switch_CLI --thrift-port 9090 --thrift-ip

In general the following options can be passed to simple_switch_CLI:

simple_switch_CLI [-h] [--thrift-port THRIFT_PORT]
                       [--thrift-ip THRIFT_IP] [--json JSON]
                       [--pre {None,SimplePre,SimplePreLAG}]


If they are not specified, the simple_switch_CLI command assumes that the IP is and the port is 9090. P4-Utils always assigns the IP to all the Thrift servers, so the only thing that changes from one switch to the other is the port the server is listening on.

One can retrieve a list of all the available commands, by typing the following:

RuntimeCmd: ?

Also, to check the syntax of a command, one can use the follwing:

RuntimeCmd: help <command>

If we want to populate the forwarding table of the s1 switch of the example, we run:

RuntimeCmd: table_add dmac forward 00:00:0a:00:00:01 => 1
Adding entry to exact match table dmac
match key:           EXACT-00:00:0a:00:00:01
action:              forward
runtime data:        00:01
Entry has been added with handle 0
RuntimeCmd: table_add dmac forward 00:00:0a:00:00:02 => 2
Adding entry to exact match table dmac
match key:           EXACT-00:00:0a:00:00:02
action:              forward
runtime data:        00:02
Entry has been added with handle 1
RuntimeCmd: table_add dmac forward 00:00:0a:00:00:03 => 3
Adding entry to exact match table dmac
match key:           EXACT-00:00:0a:00:00:03
action:              forward
runtime data:        00:03
Entry has been added with handle 2
RuntimeCmd: table_add dmac forward 00:00:0a:00:00:04 => 4
Adding entry to exact match table dmac
match key:           EXACT-00:00:0a:00:00:04
action:              forward
runtime data:        00:04
Entry has been added with handle 3

Command Files

Instead of typing each command individually for every switch, one can put them all (a command per line) in a .txt file and pass it to P4-Utils that will execute it using the simple_switch_CLI. The syntax of these files is the same used by the client.

For example, the commands typed in the s1 client can be put in a file called s1-commands.txt:

table_add dmac forward 00:00:0a:00:00:01 => 1
table_add dmac forward 00:00:0a:00:00:02 => 2
table_add dmac forward 00:00:0a:00:00:03 => 3
table_add dmac forward 00:00:0a:00:00:04 => 4

Then this can be passed to P4-Utils by putting this line in the Python network configuration script (assuming that the script is in the same folder of the commands file):

net.setP4CliInput('s1', 's1-commands.txt')

If you are using the JSON network configuration file, you can specify the Thrift command file by modifying the switch s1 in the topology field:

"s1": {"cli_input": "s1-commands.txt"}

In this way, the switch is configured automatically after the network starts.