
About P4-Utils

P4-Utils is a Python package that allows the user to create and test virtual networks that can include P4 switches. The network creation capabilities are inherited from Mininet, whereas the P4 targets are taken from the behavioral-model.

The behavioral-model is a collection of P4 software switches. It is meant to be used as a tool for developing, testing and debugging P4 data planes and control plane software written for them. Indeed, P4 programmable hardware switches are still expensive and operate them might still be somehow cumbersome.

Mininet, on the other hand, is a very powerful network emulation framework. Indeed, it can efficiently virtualize nodes (hosts and switches) in a network by exploiting Linux kernel features. This allows P4-Utils to create a realistic environment in which P4 switches can be connected together and tested.

P4 Language

P4 is a domain-specific programming language that specifies how data plane devices process packets. The key factor that makes it a very useful tool is that it has been designed to be target-independent (i.e. it can be used with a wide range of both hardware-based and software-based architecture) and protocol-independent (i.e. targets are not bound to any specific network protocol).

Previous Work

The application p4app is the ancestor of P4-Utils: the former was created by the P4 community to provide a testing and prototyping platform based on P4 language, whereas the latter is an adaptation made by the ETH Networked Systems Group to simplify the application use and have a tool for P4 teaching.